Virtual Reception Services

Staffed with a professional staff member in Liberty Lake, WA. Get started today!

Answering Hours

8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday-Friday with one hour lunch from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm.
Missed phone calls received outside of the stated business hours will be returned within one hour of the receptionist returning to the office.

Designed for Small Businesses

Professional Receptionist

First impressions are a big deal. In fact, your customer will judge your trustworthiness and intentions within the first 27 seconds of contacting your business. Your customer is calling you because they need your professional expertise. It's important for them to feel like their call is important. They want to be heard and they want to feel they matter.

Services Include

Dedicated Phone Line

Forward your existing number. Dedicated voicemail set up for your company (not a general mailbox).

Staffed with Live Person

We are located in Liberty Lake, WA and will not outsource to other companies. We can screen calls, transfer calls, take messages, and return calls.

Scheduling Assistance

We will sync Calendly to your existing calendar so you have control over your calendar, and we can add appointments for you.

Package #1

Inbound phone calls only.
Maximum 75 calls per month.

Package #2

Inbound phone calls only.
Maximum 125 calls per month.

Package #3

Inbound phone calls only.
Maximum 200 calls per month.

Package #4

Inbound phone calls only.
Maximum 500 calls per month.

Outbound Calls

Custom pricing
Return phone calls on your behalf – Custom package

Scheduling Assistance

(includes Calendly Subscription)

Calls in excess of package maximum will be billed at $5.00 per additional call. 

Meeting Rooms Available for Client Meetings/Depositions

All major holidays will NOT be staffed.  Including New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, New Year's Eve.


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